Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Literature in the School-article review

This article is very interesting. It has many ideas within it to help us as teachers create a literature friendly classroom. Even ideas that we may have had, such as bringing in historical documents and photographs to help us supplement our teaching has a name -Jackdaws. If we did not know the name for doing this we now do- which will help us in the future because we can search out ideas related to Jackdaws on the internet. I googled the name, and found one site . There are a few pictures and ideas on my first glance through the site. For most of us, we will probably need to go through a variety of different sites to produce an interesting collection of artifacts.
There are other ideas within the article that bare mentioning. I find articles such as this one important because of the type of lay out the author or editor has chosen to use. At a quick glance we can gain ideas for our own classrooms. For example bulletin boards. We don't have to read the entire article to find the mention of bulletin boards, we can quickly look through and find the information. As teachers, time is precious and we may need to gain ideas quickly to help run our classrooms.
I know many of us did not have time to read all the articles for detail, but I urge everyone to glance through this article for some ideas. It's time well spent.


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